Today, we are going to talk about three important things quite sad when people say:
“Oh, I don’t like dancing” that’s the number one.
And people say: ” I don’t have coordination”.
And people say:” I don’t have rhythm.
Hi, I’m Tarcisio from Rio Rhythmics Latin Dance Academy, improving lives through Latin Dance, culture and community.
Now, let’s talk about those three things:
“I don’t like dancing”. It’s very hard to believe. I can say that I’m a 100% sure that everyone when they were a baby playing music, they would excitedly move on the music. Also, everyone has experienced being locked in a room by themselves playing music and going a little bit crazy, doing things until someone arrives and they say like: “Oh”. So, It’s hard to believe someone doesn’t like dancing. Usually, behind it there are some really important things:
One thing is that it’s very hard if you are not excited about life if you are not feeling good about yourself and about life, it’s very hard to dance, it’s very hard. Imagine someone that is depressed saying that life is hard and when someone plays music they immediately say: “I wanna dance!”.
It means that dancing is something really important to do. Chinese believe in one thing really interesting: The gesture brings a feeling, the feeling brings a gesture.
Then, the act of being depressed makes people feel like it, or excitement, people are excited so they use more their body to express that. Now, if the feeling brings a gesture, if you work in the gesture, it will help you to bring the feeling as well. If you’re really sad or if you’re really tired and you start moving your body in a certain way, that will excite you.
Now, a personal experience. Sometimes I’m really tired and I come to teach classes like “Oh my God, kids at home, lots of different stuff to do”, and as I start to teach the class and I start getting excited, by the end of it I’m so hyped that I feel completely changed. Then when I go to face the personal challenges that I had before class, I’m in a much better mood!
It means dancing will change your way of being, it will bring you to a better self. That’s why it’s very important sometimes to push yourself a little bit to do something when you feel like: ” Oh, I don’t like dancing”. Find out why you don’t like dancing and go for it.
Now, the other thing people say:” I have two left feet” or it’s so common people say “I can’t, I have low coordination”.
There is something really important, sometimes people have too much isolation. I realize that about posture, when people say “you need to stand up straight, you have to be on that posture”, becomes very challenging for someone to understand that there is a link between upper-body, lower body and that you can move them in different ways. People get too concerned about ‘I don’t feel good about myself’, and then one thing that you don’t feel comfortable doing turns out to be really hard for you to start doing well.
Then, my recommendation is: if you think that you don’t have coordination, it’s one more reason to come and learn to dance. See, hundreds of people who told me they didn’t have coordination felt really good about themselves after taking classes when they realized that they can dance.
Sometimes people think: I will never be a good dancer. That’s something really interesting because a good dancer is not the one that looks its best, a good dancer is the one that the partner really enjoys dancing with, as a leader or as a follower. Then, we guarantee that you can become a good dancer and we can guarantee that if you have coordination challenge, we will help you with that in many different ways, that’s why we teach all dance styles together as one dance style will help with other styles and we will coach you through that.
Now, the other thing that people say is: ” I don’t have rhythm” and it’s quite common people say that. But I really don’t believe in that, everyone has rhythm, we are born with rhythm, your heart beats in some specific rhythm, you walk in some specific rhythm. We have some rhythm to walk, we type, we do lots of different things in a specific rhythm, yeah?!
One other thing. If you didn’t get run over when you crossed the road, you do have rhythm. If you can merge a car on the highway you do have rhythm. It’s different skills, you look, there is a car passing by, another car passing by, then you see that there is timing that you’re going to fit to merge on the highway or to cross the road. This is rhythm! People have this tendency to think that rhythm is only to do with dance, but it’s not. It’s related to life, everyone has rhythm, now we have to educate our ears to be able to fit that with the music. You’re listening to the music, there is a timing there, that’s a learning experience and we guarantee that you can learn that.
How long does it take? We don’t know, it may take longer, however, it’s an amazing feeling. Something about dance that is really important and that is very good for our brain, besides to improve coordination and all those things, memorize patterns, lots of different stuff, is what they call anticipation. It’s when you’re listening and then you’re going to start to dance a little bit before the time, so we’re going to step on the time. Educating our body to feel that is a great feeling, they say the anticipation feeling gives a lot of pleasure, then guys, please there is no excuse!
Come and talk to us, we’d really like to coach you through that because there is no such thing as: I don’t like dancing. If you disagree with me make a comment and we will talk more about that.
Thank you very much. Catch you on the dance floor!
Tarcisio Teatini-Climaco
Founding & Artisic Director
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